Digital content creation skills

Digital content creation skills

The overall objective of the program:

This course is accredited by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation with accreditation number 156998448 so that the program aims to master the skills of digital content industry through practical application and digital publishing in social media platforms and a review of the main principles and arts in the digital content industry through extensive training on the use of technical tools and digital solutions In developing and mastering the content industry. A detailed explanation of the media and digital marketing platforms is also given due to the importance of understanding and analyzing the optimal use of these platforms. The trainees will become familiar with a number of types of digital content such as infographics, short videos, live broadcasts and designs...etc. The practical application of a number of types of digital content is also done through a number of computer programs. The trainees will learn about the art of creating digital content through mobile devices, so that they can master content creation anywhere and anytime.

The program axes:

  • Communication concepts and types
  • The media and the foundations of its success
  • Digital and social media
  • Types of audiences and ways to target them
  • digital content
  • Five Creative Steps to Creating Digital Content
  • info graphic
  • short video industry
  • live broadcasting industry
  • Data analysis, social listening, and digital interaction measurement
  • The role of digital solutions in reaching and targeting audiences
  • Review and discuss the trainees' projects

The detailed objectives of the program:

  • Introduce trainees with the concept of communication
  • Introduce trainees to the concept and foundations of media
  • Introduce trainees to different types of digital content
  • Introducing trainees to digital tools and solutions in the digital content industry
  • Providing trainees with digital content creation skills
  • Introduce trainees to digital interaction analysis tools
  • Providing trainees with data analysis skills and decision-making fitness
  • Introduce trainees to the role of big data and artificial intelligence in the digital content industry
  • Introducing trainees to the types of audiences and ways to create digital content appropriate for each audience
  • Introducing trainees to the royal content matrix

Target Program Category :

  • Social media pioneers.
  • Article writers.
  • Content Creator.


  For inquiries through WhatsApp: 00966539103433 -Press here

Registration fees : 0.00

Early registration fees : 0.00

Accredited Course Accredited Certification

All fees are inclusive of 15% value added tax.

The Tax number is: 310862967200003

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Additional Data

Course Field Course Code Total number of hours Course Duration

Public Relations & Media

27 12.00 3.00