Financial Crisis Management:

Financial Crisis Management:

The overall objective of the program:

Provide participants with the necessary basic knowledge and skills that will enable them to manage crises efficiently and effectively so that they can success in achieving their goals at the individual and institutional level and developing their abilities and skills to receive, manage and treat crises with scientific thought and scientific experience, as well as clarifying the directions of different paths and their caveats to decision makers, as well as developing their abilities to change the signs of crisis before they occur.

The program axes:

1. The difference between risk management, business risk management and enterprise risk management

2. (Risk management, business risk management and enterprise risk management)

3. Reasons for change to risk management

4. Advantages of enterprise risk management

5. How do we get to enterprise risk management?

6. Risk Management Success Requirements

7. Challenges and obstacles in risk management

8. Structure and organization of risk management

9. Enterprise risk management and strategic planning framework

10. Enterprise risk management framework and decision makers

11. General Framework for enterprise risk management steps

12. How to deal with risks

13. How to reduce risk

14. Reducing Risk effects

15. Controlling Unexpected events

The detailed objectives of the program:


Target Program Category :

Board members, risk managers and senior executive directors, internal and external auditors, as well as decision makers and sponsors within the organization.

  For inquiries through WhatsApp: 00966539103433 -Press here

Registration fees : 0.00

Early registration fees : 0.00

Accredited Course Accredited Certification

All fees are inclusive of 15% value added tax.

The Tax number is: 310862967200003

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Additional Data

Course Field Course Code Total number of hours Course Duration

Administrative & Finance

221 12.00 3.00