Professional Imaging Skills Program:

Professional Imaging Skills Program:

The overall objective of the program:

Develop the skills of the eye of the trainee in perceiving the aesthetics of the visual arts and raising her artistic culture and training in professional photography proficiency.

The program axes:


The detailed objectives of the program:

-How to use professional cameras and select appropriate equipment.

-Learn the basics of photographing and avoid all errors in imaging practices.

-Identify the nine most famous rules in the artistic composition of the photograph.

-Training in ways and means of dealing with artificial and natural lighting and solving problems of photo exposure.

-Training on the mechanism and methods of photo selection for competitions and photographic exhibitions.

-Training to avoid photographers ' mistakes.

-Avoid the most common mistakes of photographers.

Target Program Category :

Photographers in the media publishing departments of governmental and private organizations, as well as those who want to develop their skills in this field of professional or amateur photographers.

  For inquiries through WhatsApp: 00966539103433 -Press here

Registration fees : 0.00

Early registration fees : 0.00

Accredited Course Accredited Certification

All fees are inclusive of 15% value added tax.

The Tax number is: 310862967200003

عفواً لا يوجد حدث في الوقت الحالي لهذه الدورة

Additional Data

Course Field Course Code Total number of hours Course Duration

Public Relations & Media

5 16.00 4.00