Creative secretarial and office management

Creative secretarial and office management

The overall objective of the program:

This course aims to prepare scientific and practical workers in the field of office management and secretarial work, develop their skills and abilities to understand the nature of secretarial work, and what are the main requirements and duties of secretarial workers, and provide them with basic knowledge in managing office work that makes them successful and professional office managers at the very least.

The program axes:

- Concepts of office management and secretarial.

- Secretarial concepts.

- Types and importance of secretarial.

- Secretarial .. the necessary knowledge and skills.

- Organizing the manager's appointments in the light of time management.

- Good preparation and organization of meetings and drafting of minutes.

- The secretary's role in... Organizing the director's internal and external travels.

- Secretary's skill in the art of communication, communication and managing multiple relationships.

- Secretary's skill in problem solving and decision making.

- The role of the secretary in change and support administrative work.

- The concept of secretarial techniques.

- The importance of activating technology in the success of the modern secretariat.

- Secretary's skill in how to deal with Outlook and take advantage of its capabilities.

- Electronic archive.

- The advantages and characteristics of electronic archiving and its comparison with other methods.

- Organizing office management and archives work in modern offices.

The detailed objectives of the program:

- Providing participants with theoretical information about office management and secretarial.

- Providing participants with administrative and behavioral skills to practice office management and secretarial work from various practical aspects that help the manager in conducting business and making decisions.

- Raising the intellectual and practical level of the participants through their interaction with each other and the exchange of experiences among them.

- Develop and develop the capabilities and skills of employees to acquire modern knowledge towards the use of contemporary methods and techniques in secretarial work and archives.

- Developing the skills of office managers and providing them with the technical assistance necessary to perform work with high production efficiency and providing them with the expertise and skills required by the responsibilities and duties of the job.

- Providing participants with knowledge, experiences and administrative and technical skills that enable them to achieve effective communication and coordination between senior management and the rest of the organization according to the latest technology methods used in business management and to achieve them in a way that achieves the goals of the organization.

Target Program Category :

This course is ideal for those who want to improve their basic skills in office administrative tasks

This course would be ideal for people who would like to start a career as a receptionist, office manager, office manager, administrative assistant or secretary.

  For inquiries through WhatsApp: 00966539103433 -Press here

Registration fees : 0.00

الخصم لأول 20 مشترك : 0.00

Accredited Course Accredited Certification

All fees are inclusive of 15% value added tax.

The Tax number is: 310862967200003

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Additional Data

Course Field Course Code Total number of hours Course Duration

Administrative & Finance

24 15.00 3.00